
Goats are quite edible. If goat meat is a part of your diet, purchasing this meat ‘on the hoof’ and engaging your skills or those of a local custom meat processor, can put affordable and palatable protein in your freezer. We find a meat grinder quite helpful with goat, and goat burger pretty tasty.


Our family has enjoyed raw milk for many years. It’s harder to enjoy it in the United states, however, as you must own the milkee in order to consume it legally. We understand that this is all with good intent to protect consumers from unscrupulous producers. We advocate for knowing your goat farmer. At this time, we freeze and can our goat milk for use throughout the year. We’re learning other ways to process and preserve it, too. If you own the goat, you can do likewise!


Goats love shrubberies. They browse like deer rather than graze like sheep and cattle. As browsers, one cannot be too careful in keeping them from running amok in the garden-yard. On our farm, they serve a very useful purpose in reclaiming the pasture and silvopasture from the briars, brambles. and invasive brush. There may come a time when we will not need these services, but at this time, they are invaluable in keeping the power-company’s destructive de-brushers far from our fields and streams.